The Best Free EBooks for Business

eBooks on Business

What is an electronic book? Is it just a sales tool to fill in related links and send them out to every email address you find? What happened to the value of these electronic versions? In protest of the thousands of useless, ugly, and pirate books, I’ve compiled this list of honest eBooks on business that offer real value. Oh yes, and they are all free.

Of course, the purpose of these books is to build relationships, inform and present authors as experts – they are free. Each eBooks on business have been carefully selected to avoid prominent outlets, and each one offers valuable information on each topic.

eBooks on Business

The five-book

Master-Attention-Getter Jim Kukral published this great eBook, 100+ Ways to Save Money with

Yes, but…

Chic Thompson is one of the brightest minds in the world of innovation. If you are looking for a keynote speaker on innovation, there are no better ones. His e-book, “Yes, but …” is a classic or how to shoot proof your idea not say. Learn how to “Nay-Say Proof” your idea

279 days to success overnight

Chris Guillebeau offers solid and fun tips for 279 days to succeed overnight. Start the business you have dreamed of and enjoy life more by working less.

Hold on!

Ann Holman from Ann Holman Company provides 6 books for our set: Hang On! is a breakdown of 35 words that affect life and work.

Zero Hour Workweek

I expect this to be free. Writer Jonathan Mead invites guests to “Steal my free e-book” The Zero Hour Workweek is a 60-page story by the author and six others who have broken the 9-5 mark and now live life the way they want.

50 Guerrilla Marketing Strategies You Should Use

This short (only 6 pages) and primary point eBook highlights 50 great ideas. 50 Guerrilla Marketing Strategies You Should Use There are some links (from the authors), and I decided to include this because of the quality of the ideas.

The Boots trapper’s Bible and 11 More by Seth Godin

Boots trapper’s Bible is Seth’s favorite set, he says. The prolific and talented Godin wrote this policy in 2004 and is still very much alive today. Seth is a bestselling author and entrepreneur.

Here are some other great eBooks on Business by Godin.

. LOCKING THE IDEA One of the most popular e-books of all time.

. Who’s there – On working blogs

Knock; Knock – on websites that work


Brainwashed seven ways to reinvent yourself

How to sell a book (or any new idea) (step 1 is the tricky part)

Browsing the funnel one book in three flavors

Marketing inequalities: When new will not work with old (Riffs on Meatball Sundae)

. 7 tips for designers on the creation of designers, not an e-book, but the same, it is free, worth adding to the collection eBooks on Business.

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